Players found in FIDE Rating list | 5 |
IDcode | Name | T | WT | Oth. T. | Fed | Rtg | Exp | B-Year | S | F |
5700019 | m | MAS | 0 | 1958 | M | |||||
5700590 | m | MAS | 0 | 1982 | M | |||||
5700507 | m | MAS | 0 | M | ||||||
5700329 | m | MAS | 0 | M | ||||||
5700574 | m | MAS | 0 | 1982 | M | |||||
After 10 year’s wait Malaysian Mok Tze Meng finally got his International Masters title in the latest Fide rating released
Though individual ratings do not appear due to some technical problems,The list of number of Malaysians with IM title includes Mok Tze Meng, who becomes the 5th Malaysian to achieve the title.
the following list is the Norms he got to qualify for the title
- Penang Wah Seong IM Tournament 2000
- Sea Games Manila 2005
- DATMO 2009
To achieve IM title his rating must reach 2400 and after Malaysian Masters Quarterfinal 3-0 win over FM Ooi Chern Ee he manage to reach the magical mark
IM Mok , one the most dedicated chess players in the country ,is also a coach .
He currently plays in the DATCC league for X Factor.
2008/9 achievements
- Terengganu Open Nov2008
- June 2009 Penang open
- Team event Champions in the 1st DATCC League(SMS Gold)
- Malaysian Masters 2009 semifinalist- losing to IM Mas in tie breaker
- DATMO top Malaysian- won against GM Ziaur Rahman and IM Richard Bitoon
- Penang Heritage Team League- winners(SMS Gold)
- Merdeka rapid Best malaysian team (SMS Gold) won against GM Antonio , IM Dede Liu ,IM Tirto and drew against GM Megaranto
Congratulations to IM Mok Tze Meng!
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